General Membership Meeting + Fundraiser Prep

El Sol Brillante 522 E 12th St.

Our next general membership meeting has been postponed to Wednesday, September 27th at 6 PM due to rain. We will be reviewing volunteer roles and preparation needed for our Fall Fundraiser on the following Saturday.

Fall Fundraiser 2023

El Sol Brillante 522 E 12th St.

Come celebrate the season, meet your neighbors, and support the Garden! Our fall fundraiser party is coming up Saturday, September 30th from noon to moon. The all-day celebration will feature live music, delicious food prepared by garden members and local businesses, refreshing beverages, and fun for the whole family.

Bokashi Gardening Workshop hosted by the LES Ecology Center

The Lower East Side Ecology Center will be hosting a bokashi gardening workshop on October 14th from 1-3 PM. If you'd like to participate, you can sign up here! Non-participating observers are welcome as well! The workshop will focus on the use of bokashi on other than composting, including using the bokashi spray/liquid (aka Activated ... Read more

First Garden Meeting of 2024

El Sol Brillante 522 E 12th St.

All are welcome to attend, whether you are an existing member or new and looking to join. We will have an introduction about garden membership in addition to info about upcoming Board positions, which will be up for election at our subsequent meeting.

Meeting + Board Elections

El Sol Brillante 522 E 12th St.

Our next meeting will be Saturday, May 4th at noon. We will also have elections for board positions at the meeting. If you are interested in working on the board, please reach out to the board by emailing—we can answer any questions you might have.

Spring Fundraiser Party 2024

El Sol Brillante 522 E 12th St.

Let's get ready for summer! Our end-of-spring fundraiser party on June 8th at noon. There will be live music, delicious food and beverages donated by our volunteers and local businesses, and craft areas for all ages. We also just resupplied our t-shirt stock and will have all sizes for sale. Both vegetarian and non-vegetarian food ... Read more

An Evening Reading at El Sol Brillante

El Sol Brillante 522 E 12th St.

El Sol Brillante is pleased to invite you to an early summer reading at the garden, Thursday, June 13 at 7 p.m., featuring four New York City writers who engage deeply with nature and their environment. The readers are 🍀 Andrea Mauri (@babedrea33), an archaeologist, blogger, and co-founder of @ihatewarmag 🍀 Alex Wolfe (@ppedestrian), an artist ... Read more

July Garden Meeting + Bokashi Workshop

El Sol Brillante 522 E 12th St.

Our monthly meeting will be held on July 13th at noon. All are welcome to attend and bring up any points of discussion with the community. We will have a bokashi workshop after the meeting from 1:30-3:30 pm. In addition to food waste and composting, we will cover other gardening applications with bokashi. We will make ... Read more

August Garden Meeting

El Sol Brillante 522 E 12th St.

Our next meeting will be Monday, August 19th at 7 PM. All are welcome whether or not you're a member.